Enhance Battery Asset Management with Vault-Manager™

Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Asset management to optimize cost and performance.

Vault-Manager™ Actionable insights for asset performance

Vault-Manager™ enhances business ROI by converting diverse, real-time data into clear asset performance visibility and insights, facilitating improved decision-making regarding maintenance, augmentation, and expansion. Advanced battery asset management capabilities offer comprehensive visibility into performance, reliability, maintenance, financial, and environmental Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at the portfolio, site, and asset levels.

Performance analytics

Visibility across battery performance indicators, from asset to site to entire portfolio.

Batteries and beyond​

Focus on batteries integrated with other storage and generation assets.​

Asset Management Software


Investment Insights

Provide meaningful ROI evaluations with customer-defined financial inputs and calculators.​

Lifecycle Analysis

Analyze turnkey project lifecycle from EPC to EOL.

Data Utilization

Export data to support project development, business intelligence, and maintenance tools.


Leverage digital twins and deep storage technology knowledge to simulate hybrid assets.

Smooth Integration

Download and store data in various formats from existing sites for long-term impact analysis.​

Scoreboard Interface​

Customizable visualizations provide an intuitive understanding of asset and site performance.

Portfolio Analysis​

Tools to run what-if scenarios assessing augmentation decisions, market credits, and operating modes.

Digital Twin Site Analysis​

Asset replicas harnessed to estimate ROI for augmentation, process improvements, and outage/repair time reduction.

O&M Portal​

Modern dashboard for on-site service equipped with knowledge base, maintenance tickets, and self-service functionality.

Features and capabilities

As energy storage assets--and the accompanying volume, variety and velocity of data--grow, asset owners need to harness that data to optimize business performance. Without a tool that can convert that data into meaningful visualizations and insights, companies will struggle to meet their cost and other performance targets.


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Got a complex project? Our white paper explains how Vault-Manager™️ helps.


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Frequently asked questions

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Vault-Manager™ datasheet

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